Thank God for the family He gave me. My father is a tricycle dispatcher and earns sixty or eighty pesos a day. It is not enough to support a family of five, including my mother and me; a younger sister just graduated from elementary and a high school graduate of a brother who now works as a laborer at a construction company. This is why I help my mother in taking in laundry work or selling lotion (donation in kind of her brother), despite her being totally blind in the right eye and unable to see a doctor for a change of contact lens for a blurred left eye.
I will be in my fourth year this SY2012-2013, taking Elementary Education major in Special Education at the University of Rizal System in Morong, Rizal. In the first semester of my third year I completed my research on “…Strategic Intervention Materials in Teaching Basic Mathematics for Mentally Challenged Pupils.” All my time was invested in preparing for my colloquium before the panel. I lacked sleep and was nervous for my turn to answer intelligently..and yes, I deserved the 1.1 grade that made it all worth it.
My apologies to the Tahanan Walang Hagdanan and the Assisi Foundation, my coordinators and co-grantees, for sometimes missing out on group activities that help me persevere and do my best to attain my degree, help my family and children with disabilities. I am involved in my church, teach children in Sunday school. In my community I tutor children and help them develop their abilities. With my own instructional materials suited for different disabilities, I do weekly immersion in select (TWHI-CBR) barangays of Morong and Baras, Rizal, and conduct seminar workshops for Braille reading and sign language.
I am happy for the knowledge obtained and good decisions made; for kindness and support to achieve my goals. In prayer I always thank God for all these blessings.